ABOUT Melissa

Hi there,

Maybe you’re here because you were a Bedlam reader or found me on Twitter a million years ago before it was a dumpster fire hellhole or maybe you got drawn in by the glory days of my dating stories. Maybe you are none of these, have no idea who I am, and are accidentally visiting this page.

Welcome! I’m glad you’re here. Hope you find a few reasons to stay awhile.

A little reintroduction. I’m Melissa, a writer and artist who recently published her first book (hurray!). I’ve had a shit ton of traditional jobs over the past 20 years, many of them in tech and every once in awhile I still pop back in. I’m a serial launcher and have worn too many hats over the years.

These days I’ve slowed way down. My life is less about the the doing and more about how it feels to walk through my days. I lead a simple, somewhat monastic, somewhat hedonistic life. And I like it that way.

In the past, I’ve told hard stories and dragged darkness into light, my own included. The memoir/non-fiction stories here aren’t full of trauma or much drama. But I make up for that with wild, weird drama in my fiction.

Maybe you’ll still find something that resonates. I hope you do, but these stories here are the first things I’ve written just for me. For fun. For joy. Just because. They may make you cry but they will more often make you laugh or maybe sigh at particular moments of beauty shared.

Lean into the magic with me. Take a breath and hold on tight. It’s about to get real weird up in here.

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